Thursday, January 03, 2008

I'm a consumer of ridiculous proportions...

It's official. I'm a consumer of ridiculous proportions. New Years morning: Stop n' Shop - tissue aisle - 99 cents for Stop n' Shop brand...pretty enough box, but LOOK! The Kleenex brand has d e s i g n e r designs and sooooo many to choose from and the Puffs brand has h o l o g r a m s on some of their tissue boxes! I spend at least twenty minutes examining each artistic arrangement and finally decide on some fun Kleenex designs; bright, colorful gerber daisies, subtle victorian pink roses, bubbly picasso fish and a classic chess piece design (4 boxes for 5 dollars). I paid an extra dollar for pretty cardboard, yes I did....cos I'm worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol!!!!!!!!!! but Kleenex is evil! They cut ancient forests to make tissues.. check it out:

I totally know what you mean about spending hours on figuring out what simple things to buy..haha..